Wednesday, 28 September 2011

What would you advise your 16 year old self?

What would you advise your 16 year old self?  Goodness me, where would I start?  First and most importantly, that awful pink lipstick that I always wore, don't buy it, it was far to pale! Don't be a fashion victim either, just because it was the latest trend didn't mean you had to wear it, show of your figure, don't hide it under a massive coat (that makes me cringe just thinking about it)
Be nice to your mum and dad, their house isn't a hotel. Don't be lazy, tidy up after yourself. Don't take your family for granted, you've been blessed with a lovely family. 
Make the most of every opportunity, don't decline any invitation (unless it's with a boy that's a bit creepy).  Push yourself, do the best you can and have ambition. Oh and join a gym, get into the habit of keeping fit, don't let yourself go because you "can't be bothered", don't turn into a slob that parties too much (it was fun tho)
Don't let your heart be broken, life has a way of sorting itself out. Remember, things happen for a reason. Enjoy your life, enjoy being young, don't take it for granted. 
Every time you go out, laugh with your friends and put them first. 
Make the most of your education, be confident, you can do anything you put your mind too.  Think more carefully about how you want your career to pan out,  look to the future.  Did you know that you could be creative? No? Have a go at writing, a blog (a what?), a short story or even poetry! You might surprise yourself!
Try not to be quite so sensitive and sentimental, try to man up a bit, because it only hurts you. Carry on being kind to people though, that's a good quality. 
But most of all be happy, your life will have it's ups and downs, you will get through it and it will make you stronger. You're also gonna love being a mum, don't change a minute of that. And when you meet a good looking man called Pete, well all I'll say is you'll feel like life's began again for you!
But hey, you're only 16, you wouldn't listen anyway. If I remember rightly, you all ways thought you knew better, didn't you?(you little madam)
So, what would you advise your 16 year old self?


  1. visiting from comment hour! If only we could force our 16 year old selves to listen to us now, we'd certainly save ourselves some pain, wouldn't we?

  2. Love that! I'd tell my 16 year old self to dump the old bf!

  3. Ha, there's a lot I would say but not sure I'd listen to my own self!!

    Kesha from #commenthour

  4. Wow, I have a lot to say to my 16 year old self. First, be more confident. Pursue what is your dream, not what seems like a suitable career. And yeah, you don't know as much as you think you do!
    Sarah @ made in usa challenge

  5. Wouldn't we of freaked ourselves out if the future us turned up to speak to the 16 year old us! We would probably be that petrified that we would've done as we were told!
    It just goes to show how many life lessons we've learnt along the way! I wonder how many more lessons are to come?!
    Thank you all for your comments, I love to read them all. I hope you come back to visit My Funny Old World!
